Active motivation of basic school pupils = certainty for the crafts

Active motivation of basic school pupils = certainty for the crafts


Partners of the project  Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic

Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic is a voluntary organization involving employers and enterprisers in the area of industry and transport. The role of this partner is mainly to help with involving employers, communication and presentation of technical professions.

Association for Education in the Energetics and Electrotechnics

Association for Education in the Energetics and Electrotechnics  is a professional organization providing specific needs of specialized education for the energetics and electrotechnics. Its main tasks in the project are communication and presentation of technical professions.

The Centre of Asisstance

The Centre of Assistance is a consultant company specializing in economical and marketing areas. It has been accredited by the Czech Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, Ministry of Industry and Commerce and Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport. It has been working in these areas since 1996. It is the main member of the project team.

Place – Olomouc Region


Beginning: 1 March 2009; end: 28 February 2011

Basis of the preparation phase of the project:

The main task of this project is to return the lost prestige to the crafts Helping the needs to various companies with employing good workers. Solving the lack of technical and craft workers.Investing into current pupils of the upper grade of basic schools ensures the future of industrial companies and craftsmen not only in the Olomouc Region.

Selection of a job

EvolutionGood workSatisfactionSocial needsPrestige of the chosen jobChanges of people’s values and prioritiesIt is necessarz to change the views of crafts.Cooperation only between schools is not enough.Therefore the companies, secondary schools, employment bureaus and carreer masters at basic schools will join their efforts.Pupils of the 7th grades will start learning that crafts are not inferior jobs and will have a chance to try their skills.There is a creative FUTURE hidden in the CRAFTS.

Let’s change our view of the crafts

Pupils of basic schools, their teachers and parents will have a chance to meet specialists from the industrz, learn about the real environment of industrial companies and the possibilities of their professional growth.The project will focus on the crafts which fight with the lack of labourersIt means the certainty of future employment and at the same time the occassion for industrial companies and craftsmen to contribute to the education of new generation of workers, which will fulfill their needs.

Target groups and outcomes

Pupils of basic schools (1800) Carreer masters at basic schools (20) New inovated products (3)

What are we going to create?

Possibilities for specialists to acquire new competences – acquiring new competences for school employees – schooling carreer masters – catalogue of crafts (printed publication, CD, DVD), methodology, educational modules, visits to companies Methodological help- up-to-date information on web pages – creating the methodology and materials for presenting the education in the craft areas – propagation targeted to increase the interest of the crafts Realization- propagation, motivation- creating the methodology + foreign intership = transfer of experience