We are a small school with about 300 students in the age of 15-19. Our school is well equipped, there are 3 language labs, 5 computer labs connected to the Internet, technical labs, workshops, gym, fitness centre etc.
There are 3 fields of study – Computer – aided design, Quality management and Business in EU and from the school year 2011/2012 Computer-aided production engineering
Except the ordinary subjects our students also have specialized ones: mechanics, technology, machine tools,technical drawing etc. Secondary education lasts for 4 years and is finished with a school leaving examination, which is required by all universities and colleges in the Czech Republic.
English language is compulsory and students start studying it at the age of 9 at the elementary school. At out school we try to improve their speaking skill and revise grammar.
Our school co-operates with many firms and other partners in our region and also abroad (Poland, Germany)
Address: SPŠS Olomouc, tř. 17. listopadu 49, 772 11 Olomouc, Czech Republic